Students attend 2020 DEFEND The Faith Conference
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Is the bible reliable, or is it full of inconsistencies and errors? Don’t all religions lead to the same place?
These questions remain in society because Satan, the father of lies, is deceiving it. Ashton Williams, a student studying Biblical Counseling, wants to be equipped to do, “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
This is why she joined other Mid-America students at the DEFEND 2020 Conference in New Orleans January 6-10th.

Ashton felt called to missions at the age of 16 and ran from that call out of fear. It wasn’t until she began attending a university in Arkansas and going on her first international mission trip to fully surrender. She soon began praying through what answering God’s call on her life would look like. During this time of prayer, the Lord graciously put Mid-America on her heart. Eventually, the grace of the Lord led Ashton to Memphis and enrolled in the Biblical Counseling program.
When asked why she’s attending the DEFEND 2020 Conference, Ashton said she desires to “have a better understanding of true apologetics” and to be as well prepared for ministry as she can be. She believes as a missionary and biblical counselor, apologetics will be part of everyday life.
Please take 20 seconds to pray for Asthon and her peers at Mid-America as they prepare themselves for vocational or marketplace ministry.