How Did Our Faculty Get in the Bible?
Three Mid-America professors, Dr. Van McClain, Dr. Steve Miller, and Dr. John Mark Terry, recently had articles selected and published as study helps for The Holy Land Illustrated Bible, a two-year collaborative effort between Broadman & Holman and Lifeway’s Biblical Illustrator team.
With the Biblical Illustrator ceasing publication later this year, the 250 articles contained within The Holy Land Illustrated Bible become somewhat of an anthology of the Biblical Illustrator’s study aids.
Next year, Mid-America will host live Q&A sessions with these professors. They will discuss via live videoconference their articles, the uniqueness of The Holy Land Illustrated Bible, and answer your questions. There will also be an opportunity to win your own copy of The Holy Land Illustrated Bible.

The titles of the articles are:
1. God “Created”: A Word Study
2. Joab: A Man After His Own Heart
3. Who Was Artaxerxes?
4. Life After the Exile
5. Job’s Daughters
6. The Egypt Joseph Knew
7. Haggai the Prophet and His Ministry
8. Threshing Floors
9. Job’s Friends: Models of Compassion?
10. Precious Metals
11. Autumn and Spring Rain