Mark Appell
Regarding the General Scholarship Fund, thank you for your generosity to the Lord. I am the pastor of Perth Bible Church in Upstate NY. When I became the senior pastor of my church, I made a commitment to the church to go to seminary for further education. I was unable to do that for several years. Now through God’s provision of you as a donor, I am able to keep my commitment. Recently, members of my church told me they can tell that I attend classes.
They have noticed an improvement in my ministry of preaching and teaching. I am so grateful to God for the blessing of Mid-America and the donors who have made this education possible. Mid-America allowed me the opportunity to mentor other students in the seminary. Currently I Mentor 6 other students representing 4 churches in this area. They would never have been able to have this opportunity without you.
Thank you for your love for God. Thank you for your commitment to educating pastors and laypeople in the northeast. Ministry in the northeast can be discouraging. Through your gift, you have not only encouraged the students, but also those in my church. Seeing people’s vision for reaching the northeast deeply impacts and gives hope to the members of my church. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I would like to close with the Apostle Paul’s words to the Philippian church concerning their gifts. “I am full, having received… the things which were sent from you, an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God.”