Eyes of Faith, Life of Service
If you come to the campus of Mid-America, you will likely see Anthony Bonetti sitting on a couch with his service dog Kenny at his feet. This specific couch is his favorite spot when he has a break between classes. Most of the students have to walk through this area, and by the way one walks, Anthony can tell who is moving through the front foyer. What is even more amazing, however, is Anthony’s heart for serving King Jesus.
Although the Lord would open the eyes of faith in Anthony later in life, God did not give him physical sight at birth. Anthony’s sight impairment has not stopped him from living a life of service to the Lord. Anthony is an example of going forward in faith, from studying God’s Word and preaching in the Pulpit Supply Program to running marathons and training for the Paralympics. Most importantly, his life has pointed him towards one of service for the glory of God and the good of others, making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Anthony Bonetti trusted Christ as his Savior on May 10, 2014, at age 15, after a season of the Lord bringing him under conviction over his sin. Once Anthony came to Christ, he started a journey of service to Christ that continues to manifest today in the ministries in which he participates at his church and school.
God put a desire and calling in Anthony’s life to preach the Good News of Jesus and make disciples shortly after coming to Christ. A key part of preparing for ministry involved where he would study and receive equipping. After extensive research, the Lord directed Anthony to Mid-America College and Seminary. When asked why he came to Mid-America for his ministry training, he said, “The Spirit pulled me towards Mid-America because it has a record of strong biblical teaching. In my research, it did not seem like many schools had that strong of a focus on biblical teaching.”
Anthony aims to graduate this December with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Counseling. If you have a conversation with Anthony, it is clear that the influence of the degree has helped prepare him with scriptural answers to the issues of life. Mid-America will also be able to continue its service to Anthony as he plans to pursue an MDIV in Missiology after graduation.
As much as Mid-America has served Anthony, he has given much back to the school in his three years as a student. He consistently participates in the majority of events on campus and does so with a positive attitude. Anthony’s most noticeable area of service is his participation in the fast-growing Pulpit Supply Program at Mid-America. Most weekends, he fills the pulpits of area churches that may be between pastors or need a guest speaker.
Recently, Anthony also increased his opportunities for service by becoming a husband. He and his wife Elena were married on January 13, 2023.
When considering the remarkable life of Anthony Bonetti, it is apparent that the most extraordinary aspect of his life is not only what he has accomplished while sight impaired, but simply that Anthony is a sterling example of a Mid-America student. He is fully committed to serving Christ through the school, the community, and the church, bringing spiritual sight to a world in darkness by teaching and preaching the Light of God’s Word.