Be a Part of Our New Alumni Directory!

BREAKING NEWS! During 2024, Mid-America will be in the process of creating our very first Alumni Directory. You will want to make sure that your current and complete information is included. There is absolutely no cost for you to be listed.
Mid-America is partnering with one of the foremost publishers of alumni directories, and you may be receiving a card and/or a phone call in which we will seek to verify the accuracy of your information and fill in any information gaps. The directory will be available in both hardbound and digital editions. Various Alumni Directory packages are available, but no purchase is required to be included.
We want to make sure that all Mid-America alumni are included, so whether you have or have not received a card or phone call about the Alumni Directory, we encourage you to respond. Simply call 1-877-761-8371 immediately to verify your Mid-America alumni data now. Your information will be kept safe and available only through the directory. This is a comprehensive Alumni Directory project which includes alumni from both the Seminary and Mid-America College. Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or comments about the Alumni Directory, free free to contact Mid-America’s Alumni office. Contact Michael Gehringer at 901-751-3070 or
Alumnus of the Year

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Brad Whitt is our 2024 Alumnus of the Year.
A 2001 MDIV graduate at Mid-America, Dr. Whitt serves as the Pastor of Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. One of the nation’s leading experts on the legacy and ministry of Dr. Adrian Rogers, Dr. Whitt is also one of our featured guest speakers at Mid-America’s annual Adrian Rogers Preaching Conference and Founders’ Days, August 19–22, 2024. Dr. Whitt and his wife, Kim, are blessed to be the parents of Laura Kate, Jack, Benjamin, and Jonathan.
In his own words, Dr. Whitt describes his approach to ministry:
“I’m honored to pastor the historic Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia, founded in 1774. I desire to lead Abilene Baptist Church to be a regional church that reaches the CSRA (Central Savannah River Area) with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equip and encourage pastors and churches around the world for the glory of God. I believe this is most effectively done through Spirit-filled expositional preaching, investing my life in others through personal mentoring, and the practical sharing of Jesus with those around me. In my more than 20 years in pastoral ministry, I have sought to model this Biblical method of disciple-making and church development in the United States as a local church pastor and in churches and communities in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.
As a lifelong learner, I have earned an undergraduate degree and two advanced degrees. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with majors in both History and Religion, with a minor in Political Science from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. 2001 I earned a Master of Divinity from the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Cordova, Tennessee. 2008 I received a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. In 2022, I earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Text-Driven Preaching from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
In my ministry, I have been privileged to serve on various denominational committees and boards and as an officer in associational, state, and national conventions. In 2010, I served as the President of the South Carolina Baptist Convention’s Pastors’ Conference. This position gave me a unique and humbling opportunity to mentor, assist and serve pastors from across South Carolina. I’m currently a member of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s Executive Committee.”
Stories of Alumni
Adrian Rogers Preaching Conference 2024
The Adrian Rogers Preaching Conference, August 19–21, 2024, is a Mid-America tradition in which passionate, Christ-centered preaching is on glorious display. You’re invited to our three-day conference held in conjunction with our annual Founders’ Days. This celebration will take place in the Mid-America Chapel. You don’t want to miss this exciting time!
Founders’ Days 2024, August 19–22
Founders’ Days 2024 will be combined with the Adrian Rogers Preaching Conference, so expect some inspired preachers, including Dr. Michael Spradlin, Dr. David L. Allen, and Dr. Mac Brunson, Dr. H.B. Charles, Jr., and Dr. Brad Whitt.
Alumnus of the Year 2024—Dr. Brad Whitt
Mid-America has announced that our Alumnus of the Year for 2024 is Dr. Brad Whitt. A 2001 MDIV graduate at Mid-America, Dr. Whitt serves as the Pastor of Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia.
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