Academics Department
Memphis Campus
2095 Appling Road
Cordova, TN 38016
Rose Mink
P: 901-751-3023
Course Schedule—Master—Online
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Spring 2025 Semester
Online courses
Course Number | Course Name | Professor |
AP 6910 | Introduction to Apologetics | Cornett |
AP 6940 | Cultural Apologetics and Worldview | Santos |
AP 6945 | Historical Reliability of the Gospel | Cornett |
AP 6955 | Theology of Christian Apologetics | Cornett |
AP 6960 | Contemporary Ethical Issues and Apologetics | Santos |
AP 6970 | The Problem of Evil | Akers |
BH 5100 | Hermeneutics | Shackelford |
CM 7452 | Principles of Teaching 2 | Finch |
CM 7566 | Women of the New Testament | Finch |
CM 7610 | Children/Youth Education | B. Thompson |
CM 7660 | Adult Education | Shin |
CN 7103 | Introduction to Biblical Counseling | Hofecker |
CN 7174 | Marriage and Family Counseling | Hofecker |
CN 7176 | Crisis Counseling | Babler |
CN 7190 | Counseling Practicum 1 | Stephens |
CN 7192 | Counseling Practicum 2 | Stephens |
CN 7193 | Biblical Counseling and Psychological Theories | Babler |
CN 7194 | ACBC Membership Seminar | Babler |
GR 5802 | Greek 2 | Shackelford |
HB 5402 | Hebrew Grammar 2 | Kilpatrick |
HM 7005 | Biblical Preaching 2 | Mewborn |
MS 6370 | Introduction to Missions | Charping |
MS 6435 | Pauline Theology and Missions | Sandiford |
MS 6520 | Anthropology/Worldview | Santos |
MS 6582 | Missions Practicum 2 | Charping |
MU 7700 | Introduction to Worship | Whitmire |
MU 7721 | Music Ministry 1 | Goss |
MU 7723 | Worship Leader/Design Technology | Goss |
MU 7733 | Vocal Ensemble Leadership | Goss |
MU 7734 | Conducting | Goss |
NT 5602 | New Testament Survey 2 | Shackelford |
OT 5102 | Old Testament Survey 2 | Kilpatrick |
OT 5212 | Exodus 21–40 | B. Thompson |
OT 5280 | Psalms | Kilpatrick |
OT 5330 | Daniel | Miller |
PM 7200 | Pastoral Ministry | Mewborn |
PM 7291 | Pastoral Ministry Practicum 2 | McClain |
PM 7300 | Spiritual Formation | McClain |
TH 6601 | Biblical Old Testament Theology | Miller |
TH 6702 | Systematic Theology 2 | Mewborn |
Additional online courses
The following courses must be taken during the student’s last semester; may be Fall or Spring.
Course Number | Course Name | Professor |
AP 6965 | Apologetics Capstone | Cornett |
CN 7191 | Biblical Counseling Capstone | Babler |
CM 7670 | Christian Ministry Capstone | B. Thompson |
MS 6595 | Missiology Capstone | Charping |
PM 7308 | Practical Ministry Capstone | Mewborn |
Summer 2025 Semester
Classes begin June 2, 2025.
All Summer courses are taught online.
Course Number | Course Name | Professor |
CM 7484 | Introduction to Christian Ministries | B. Thompson |
MS 6370 | Introduction to Missions | Charping |
CH 6150 | History of the Baptists | Mewborn |
EN 7900 | Introduction to Research and Writing | Shin |
EV 6200 | Personal Evangelism | Spradlin |
PH 6910 | Introduction to Apologetics | Cornett |
NT 5602 | New Testament Survey 2 | Santos |
NT 5724 | Acts | B. Thompson |
EN 1000 | Power Up | B. Thompson |
Mid-America reserves the right to change dates and times in this document according to academic necessity.
Fall 2025 Semester
Online courses
Course Number | Course Name | Professor |
AP 6930 | Logic and Christian Persuasion | |
AP 6935 | Creation and Scientific Apologetics | |
CM 7484 | Intro to Christian Ministries | |
CM 7450 | Principles of Teaching 1 | |
CM 7557 | Current Issues for Women | |
CM 7440 | The Church Staff | |
CH 6001 | History of Christianity | |
CH 6150 | History of the Baptists | |
CN 7103 | Intro to Biblical Counseling | |
CN 7172 | Theology of Counseling | |
CN 7190 | Counseling Practicum 1 | |
CN 7192 | Counseling Practicum 2 | |
CN 7195 | Addictions and Emotions | |
EN 7900 | Intro To Research/Writing | |
EV 6200 | Personal Evangelism | |
GR 5801 | Beginning Greek 1 | |
GR 5811 | Intermediate Greek | |
GR 5979/NT 5779 | Petrine Epistles (Greek Intensive) | |
HB 5401 | Hebrew Grammar 1 | |
HM 7001 | Biblical Preaching 1 | |
MS 6405 | Traditional/World Religions & Cults | |
MS 6311 | Church Planting | |
MS 6332 | Strategies of Missions and Leadership Development | |
MS6482 | Missions Annotated Bib 1 | |
MS6485 | Missions Master’s Thesis 1 | |
MS6583 | Missions Church Planting Practicum 1 | |
MS 6581 | Missions Practicum 1 | |
MU 7722 | Music Ministry 2 | |
MU 7735 | Psalms | Hymns and Spir. |
NT 5791 | Exodus and Revelation | |
NT 5601 | New Testament Survey 1 | |
OT 5101 | Old Testament Survey 1 | |
OT 5101 | Old Testament Survey 1 | |
OT 5215 | Exodus and Revelation | |
OT 5244 | 1 and 2 Samuel | |
PM 7280 | Intro to Ethics | |
PM 7290 | Pastoral Ministry Practicum 1 | |
TH 6602 | Biblical NT Theology | |
TH 6701 | Systematic Theology 1 | |
AP 6965 | Apologetics Capstone* | |
CN 7191 | Biblical Counseling Capstone* | |
CM 7670 | Christian Ministry Capstone* | |
MS 6595 | Missiology Capstone* | |
PM 7308 | Practical Ministry Capstone* |
*Must be taken during student’s final semester.
Mid-America reserves the right to change dates and times in this document according to academic necessity.
Spring 2026 Semester
Online courses
Course Number | Course Name | Professor |
AP 6910 | Intro to Apologetics | |
AP 6940 | Cultural Apologetics & Worldview | |
AP 6945 | Historical Reliability of the Gospel | |
AP 6955 | Theological Christian Apologetics | |
AP 6960 | Contemporary Ethical Issues & Apologetics | |
AP 6970 | The Problem of Evil | |
BH 5100 | Hermeneutics | |
CM 7452 | Principles of Teaching 2 | |
CM 7564 | Ministry to Young Women | |
CM 7610 | Children/Youth Education | |
CM 7660 | Adult Education | |
CN 7174 | Marriage and Fam Counseling | |
CN 7103 | Intro to Biblical Counseling | |
CN 7176 | Crisis Counseling | |
CN 7190 | Counseling Practicum 1 | |
CN 7192 | Counseling Practicum 2 | |
CN 7194 | ACBC Membership Seminar | |
CN 7193 | Biblical Couns & Psychological Theories | |
GR 5802 | Greek 2 | |
HB 5402 | Hebrew Grammar 2 | |
HM 7005 | Biblical Preaching 2 | |
MS 6370 | Intro to Missions | |
MS 6435 | Pauline Theological & Missions | |
MS 6484 | Annotated Bibliography 2 | |
MS 6486 | Missions Master’s Thesis 2 | |
MS 6584 | Missions Church Planting Practicum 2 | |
MS 6520 | Anthropology/Worldview | |
MS 6582 | Missions Practicum 2 | |
MU 7700 | Introduction to Worship | |
MU 7721 | Music Ministry 1 | |
MU 7723 | Worship Leader/Design Tech | |
MU 7733 | Vocal Ensemble Leadership | |
MU 7734 | Conducting | |
NT 5602 | New Testament Survey 2 | |
NT 5653 | Life of Christ | |
OT 5102 | Old Testament Survey 2 | |
OT 5200 | Genesis | |
PM 7200 | Pastoral Ministry | |
PM 7291 | Pastoral Ministry Practicum 2 | |
PM 7300 | Spiritual Formation | |
TH 6702 | Systematic Theology 2 | |
TH 6601 | Biblical OT Theology | |
AP 6965 | Apologetics Capstone* | |
CN 7191 | Biblical Counseling Capstone* | |
CM 7670 | Christian Ministry Capstone* | |
MS 6595 | Missiology Capstone* | |
PM 7308 | Practical Ministry Capstone* |
*Must be taken during student’s final semester.
Mid-America reserves the right to change dates and times in this document according to academic necessity.