Category: Blog

Interceding for the Nations

by Dr. Gordon Fort, Senior Ambassador to the President, International Mission Board, SBC

In this special guest blog, Dr. Gordon Fort, Senior Ambassador to the President, International Mission Board, SBC, reminds us that focused intercession that undergirds the advance of the Gospel among the nations is the most neglected weapon in the Great Commission arsenal.

Our Great Commission Map and Compass

by John Charping, PhD, Chairman of the Missions Department

The “Six Core Tasks of Church Planting” provide a basic map to guide a missionary along the continuum from entering a new community, sharing the Gospel, discipling new and maturing believers, forming healthy churches, developing local leaders, and exiting to new communities while maintaining a healthy connection with that maturing church. This “map” lays out the big picture of the missionary task and helps one chart the course in the right direction.