Category: Blog

Person-to-Person Evangelism by Dr. B. Gray Allison (1966)

by Dr. B. Gray Allison

In recognition of our founder, Dr. B. Gray Allison, we publish this special blog article, “Person-to-Person Evangelism,” an excerpt from Personal Evangelism, a book comprised of material from Dr. Gray’s Personal Evangelism course which he taught for almost 47 years. This timeless article was originally published in 1966.

Preaching Library Categories

by Dr. David L. Allen, Distinguished Professor and Dean of the Adrian Rogers Center for Biblical Preaching

Dr. David L. Allen describes the categories of books that should constitute a well stocked biblical preaching library.

Equipping Prison Missionaries

by Mid-America Communications

The Mid-America Prison Initiative began with its first program at the Varner Unit in Gould, Arkansas, offering a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies to inmates. On May 12, 2023, the first 18 graduates walked across the stage at Varner and accepted their diplomas.

The Book of Acts Reprised?

by Dr. John Mark Terry, Emeritus Professor of Missions

I taught missions in Bible college and seminary for 40 years. As you can imagine, I taught the book of Acts many times. Every time I did, a student would ask, “Why don’t we see the events of Acts in our churches today?” I always answered the same way, “We don’t pray the way they prayed, and we’re not filled with the Spirit as they were.” (“They” referring to the believers in Jerusalem.) Why did I answer in that way?

Cross-Cultural Discipleship

by Dr. Matthew Akers, Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs, Director of the Hispanic Institute

Bible-based discipleship transcends all cultures and connects all peoples. Scriptural truths never change, but we must make certain we communicate the Bible’s message in ways our audience can accurately understand and apply to their lives.

Biblical Counseling: Centering on Christ in the Chaos

by Dr. John Babler, Chairman of the Biblical Counseling Department

Mid-America’s Biblical Counseling faculty, graduates, and students are leading churches to minister God’s Word to those impacted by crisis. They also lead the field of Biblical Counseling in staying true to its heritage and responding to contemporary crises with God’s love and His Word.

Is Your Church a Friendly Church?

by Dr. John Mark Terry, Emeritus Professor of Missions

How well does your church do in welcoming guests? Discover four practical ways your church can be more intentional in making church visitors feel welcome.

Mid-America Alum Is Featured Preacher at Evangelism Conference—VIDEO

by Mid-America Communications

The Evangelism + Church Health Conference, presented by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, featured Mid-America alumnus Dr. Ed Newton (MARE, 2000) in the keynote message on Monday evening, January 23, 2023.

Our Great Commission Map and Compass

by John Charping, PhD, Chairman of the Missions Department

The “Six Core Tasks of Church Planting” provide a basic map to guide a missionary along the continuum from entering a new community, sharing the Gospel, discipling new and maturing believers, forming healthy churches, developing local leaders, and exiting to new communities while maintaining a healthy connection with that maturing church. This “map” lays out the big picture of the missionary task and helps one chart the course in the right direction.

Twelve Most Popular Pages on Our Website for 2022

by Mid-America Communications

When Mid-America launched our newly branded website last year, we aimed to create a site that would serve as a hub for engagement with all things Mid-America. It’s been an enormous success, and we thought you might enjoy a tour of our most popular pages during 2022.