Meet Our Faculty & Staff

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47 results found.
Matt Akers
Matt Akers, PhD
Associate Dean of the Seminary; Chairman of the Old Testament Department; Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, Old Testament and Hebrew, Missions, and Biblical Counseling; Director of the Hispanic Institute
Dr. David L. Allen
David L. Allen, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Practical Theology; Dean of the Adrian Rogers Center for Biblical Preaching
Donn R. Arms
Director of the Institute for Nouthetic Studies
Babler, John
John Babler, PhD
Chairman of the Biblical Counseling Department; Professor of Biblical Counseling
Bud Blevins
Gwynn W. (Bud) Blevins
Vendor Correspondence Coordinator
Keundra Bowen
Keundra Bowen
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Director of Student Life, Dean of Men
Terry Brown
Terry Brown
Director of Library Services
Dr. John Charping
John Charping, PhD
Chairman of the Missions Department; Associate Professor of Missions and Theology
Colter, Scott
Scott Colter, PhD
Director of Strategic Initiatives; Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Wayne Cornett
Wayne Cornett, PhD
Chairman of the New Testament Department; Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, and Theology
Finch, Candi
Candi Finch, PhD
Associate Dean of The College at Mid-America; Director of Admissions; Dean of Women; Associate Professor of Women’s Studies in Theology
Red Shield
Maggie Foreman
Admissions Assistant
Red Shield
Elisabeth Gehman
Technical Assistant to the Library Director, Head of Circulation
Red Shield
Michael Gehringer
Alumni and Church Relations Associate
Ray Helton
Ray Helton
Director of Development
Red Shield
Adam Jones
Information Technology Specialist
Dr. Daniel Jones
Daniel Jones, PhD
Director of the Colorado Prison Initiative; Assistant Professor of Theology, Old Testament and Hebrew, New Testament and Greek
Kirk Kilpatrick
Kirk Kilpatrick, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Old Testament and Hebrew
Travis LaBar
Travis LaBar
Security, Receptionist
Mary Hannah
Mary Hannah Mark
Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Life
Jeremy Maser
Jeremy Maser
Senior Security Officer
Rebecca McClain
Rebecca McClain
Academic Compliance Coordinator
Van Mclain
Van McClain, PhD
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Research Librarian
Mikey Mewborn
Mikey Mewborn, PhD
Vice President of Student Life; Dean of the Seminary; Chairman of the Theology and Church History Department; Professor of Practical Theology, Church History, and Theology
Steve Miller
Steve Miller, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Old Testament and Hebrew
Rose Mink
Rose Mink
Senior Director of Academic Services
Kylie Murphy
Kylie Murphy
Student Life Assistant
Karen Nelson
Karen Nelson
Director of Human Resources, Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President and Dean of the College
Alicia Dickenson
Alicia Newcomb
Accounts Receivable Coordinator
Pamela Prince
Pam Prince
Special Events Coordinator
Randy Redd
Randy Redd, PhD
Vice President for Finance and Operations/Institutional Advancement; Professor of Business Administration and Management
Zac Sandiford
Zac Sandiford, PhD
Director of Operations and Security; Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Missions, and Church History
Al Santos
Al Santos
Director of Information Technology
David Shackelford
David Shackelford, PhD
Professor Emeritus, New Testament and Greek
Red Shield
Kevin Snider
Maintenance Supervisor
Red Shield
Soo Geun Song, DPA
Vice President of Institutional Assessment, Distinguished Professor of Research
Michael Spradlin
Michael Spradlin, PhD
President; Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Church History, Practical Theology, and Missions; Chairman of the Evangelism Department
Heath Starks
Heath Starks
Information Technology Assistant
Jessica Tate
Jessica Tate
Assistant Director of Financial Aid; Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance and Operations
Bradley Thompson
Bradley C. Thompson, PhD, EdD
Executive Vice President; Chief Academic Officer; Dean of The College at Mid-America; Chairman of the Department of Christian Ministries; Professor of Education and Leadership
Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson, PhD
Director of the Arkansas Prison Initiative, Assistant Professor of Church History, Missions and Theology
Betsy Wade
Betsy Wade
Executive Assistant to the President; Director of International Student Affairs; PDSO
Tony Watts
Tony Watts
Campus Security
Jim Whitmire
Jim Whitmire
Instructor Emeritus, Instructor for Music and Worship
Cody Williamson
Admissions Counselor
Carol Wilson
Carol Wilson
Executive Assistant to the Vice-President of Institutional Advancement