51 results found.

Associate Dean of the Seminary; Chairman of the Old Testament Department; Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, Old Testament and Hebrew, Missions, and Biblical Counseling; Director of the Hispanic Institute
Phone: 901-751-3053
Email: makers@mabts.edu

Distinguished Professor of Practical Theology; Dean of the Adrian Rogers Center for Biblical Preaching

Chairman of the Biblical Counseling Department; Professor of Biblical Counseling
Phone: 901-751-3015
Email: jbabler@mabts.edu

Chairman of the Missions Department; Associate Professor of Missions and Theology
Phone: 901-751-3028
Email: jcharping@mabts.edu

Director of Strategic Initiatives; Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Phone: 901-751-3029
Email: scolter@mabts.edu

Chairman of the New Testament Department; Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, and Theology
Phone: 901-751-3026
Email: wcornett@mabts.edu

Associate Dean of Mid-America College; Director of Admissions; Dean of Women; Associate Professor of Women’s Studies in Theology
Phone: 901-751-3060
Email: cfinch@mabts.edu

Technical Assistant to the Library Director, Head of Circulation
Phone: 901-751-3007
Email: egehman@mabts.edu

Director of Institutional Assessment, Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling
Phone: 901-751-3040
Email: jhofecker@mabts.edu

Director of the Colorado Prison Initiative; Assistant Professor of Theology, Old Testament and Hebrew, New Testament and Greek
Email: djones@mabts.edu

Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Research Librarian
Phone: 901-751-3014
Email: vmcclain@mabts.edu

Vice President of Student Life; Dean of the Seminary; Chairman of the Theology and Church History Department; Professor of Practical Theology, Church History, and Theology
Phone: 901-751-3078
Email: mmewborn@mabts.edu

Director of Academic Services; Professor of Communication
Phone: 901-751-3096

Director of Human Resources, Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President and Dean of the College
Phone: 901-751-3032
Email: hr@mabts.edu

Vice President for Finance and Operations/Institutional Advancement; Professor of Business Administration and Management
Phone: 901-751-3041
Email: rredd@mabts.edu

Director of Operations and Security; Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Missions, and Church History
Phone: 901-751-3066
Email: zsandiford@mabts.edu

Vice President of Institutional Assessment, Distinguished Professor of Research
Phone: 901-751-3040
Email: ssong@mabts.edu

President; Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Church History, Practical Theology, and Missions; Chairman of the Evangelism Department
Phone: 901-751-3048
Email: president@mabts.edu

Assistant Director of Financial Aid; Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance and Operations
Phone: 901-751-3011
Email: jtate@mabts.edu

Executive Vice President; Chief Academic Officer; Dean of Mid-America College; Chairman of the Department of Christian Ministries; Professor of Education and Leadership
Phone: 901-751-3033
Email: bthompson@mabts.edu

Director of the Arkansas Prison Initiative, Assistant Professor of Church History, Missions and Theology
Email: mthompson@mabts.edu

Executive Assistant to the President; Director of International Student Affairs; PDSO
Phone: 901-751-3048
Email: bwade@mabts.edu

Executive Assistant to the Vice-President of Institutional Advancement
Phone: 901-751-3030
Email: cwilson@mabts.edu