Dr. Kilpatrick was saved in the fall of 1977 during a week when the Evangelist Angel Martinez came to his high school and preached a series of evangelistic messages. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Memphis with majors in History and Spanish. Having met his wife in high school at a Track meet (they were both sprinters for different schools), Dr. Kilpatrick married Jackie in 1985 upon their graduation from college. Since their marriage, the Lord has blessed them with three children. Dr. Kilpatrick began his M.Div. in January of 1987; and, upon graduation in May of 1990, continued into the PhD program (1991–95).
During the years of his study in the doctoral program at MABTS, he served as a Teaching Fellow under Dr. T. V. Farris in Old Testament and Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew, summer, 1992); and also under Dr. James Powell in New Testament and Greek. From 1994-1995, Dr. Kilpatrick served as an Adjunct Instructor at MABTS for Biblical Hebrew, Job, and Psalms. Dr. Kilpatrick was given Faculty Status during the summer of 1995 and began teaching in the fall semester along with his administrative duties as the Director of Development and Communications.
During his years of study at the Seminary, Dr. Kilpatrick served as the pastor of the Salem Baptist Church in Henning, Tennessee and as the Executive Director of the Greater Mid-South chapter of Youth for Christ. After his graduation from the doctoral program, he served as the interim pastor for the Nettleton Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas; the interim pastor for the Calvary Baptist Church in Osceola, Arkansas; as the interim pastor for the First Baptist Church of New Albany, Mississippi, and as the pastor of the Beaver Baptist Church in Brighton, Tennessee. He has also served by way of supply preaching in area churches, in revivals, retreats, winter Bible studies, and short term mission trips (to the Arizona Navajo reservation and several trips to Brazil). Dr. Kilpatrick is currently serving as the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lakeland, Tennessee.
Some of the works that Dr. Kilpatrick has written over the years include: The Hammoreh Workbook: A Companion Vocabulary, Exercise, and Study Guide for the Hammoreh Computerized Hebrew Tutorial, jointly written with Dr. T. V. Farris, 1993; “Ancient Mythology versus Eternal Reality: Judgments upon Egypt,” presented orally at both the Southeastern Regional meeting and the National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society; his doctoral dissertation: Against the Gods of Egypt: An Examination of the Narrative of the Ten Plagues in the Light of Exodus 12:12; “Ephraim and Egypt: A History of Idolatry,” Mid-America Baptist Theological Journal; “The Eighth-Century Political and Religious Climate in Israel,” Mid-America Baptist Theological Journal; “The Parable of the Tower,” Mid-America Baptist Theological Journal; Dr. Kilpatrick was a contributor to the New Holman Bible Dictionary (articles on “Egypt” and “Esther”). He served as a writer for Lifeway Sunday School materials and as a contributor to the HCSV Harmony of the Gospels, “The Amount of Time Between The Crucifixion and the Resurrection Of Christ.” Dr. Kilpatrick also presented a paper at the 2009 Dead Sea Scrolls conference held at MABTS (Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Interpretation) entitled “A Suggested Relationship between Messianic Portraits in the Hebrew Bible, the Diarchic Messianism of the Qumran Community, and the Nature of God as Revealed in Exodus 34:6-7.” He is also a coauthor of: A Hebrew Grammar for Students of the Bible (Miller, Kilpatrick, and Akers).
A couple of things that you might not guess about me: My hobbies include gardening and shooting sports as a member of a local sports shooting association.
Kirk Kilpatrick, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Hebrew
MDiv, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Fellow under Dr. T. V. Farris, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Biblical Hebrew, summer, 1992; adjunct instructor, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Biblical Hebrew, Job, and Psalms, 1994–1995; guest lecturer for graduate level courses and seminars, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; Research and Writing Course, Computer Assisted Research, PhD and DMin programs, since 1995; guest lecturer for the Graduate Teaching Seminar, tests, and examinations, DMin program, 1996; guest lecturer for the Synoptic Gospels Seminar, PhD program, 1996–1997. Courses and seminars at MABTS at the undergraduate and graduate levels from 1993-present.
Field Experience
Pastor, Salem Baptist Church, Henning, TN; Executive Director, Greater Mid-South chapter of Youth for Christ; summer mission trips, Arizona (Navaho Reservation); Interim Pastor, churches in TN, MS, and AR; supply preaching, revivals, retreats, and winter Bible studies in area churches; Pastor, Beaver Baptist Church, Brighton, TN; Pastor, First Baptist Church of Lakeland, Lakeland TN.
Professional Societies
Evangelical Theological Society; Ancient Near Eastern Archeological Society.
The Hammoreh Workbook: A Companion Vocabulary, Exercise, and Study Guide for the Hammoreh Computerized Hebrew Tutorial, jointly written with Dr. T. V. Farris, 1993; “Ancient Mythology Versus Eternal Reality: Judgments upon Egypt,” presented orally at both the Southeastern regional meeting and the national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society; “Ephraim and Egypt: A History of Idolatry,” The Journal: Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; “The Eighth-Century Political and Religious Climate in Israel,” The Journal: Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; “The Parable of the Tower,” The Journal: Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; articles for the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary Messenger (general audience); “Against the Gods of Egypt: An Examination of the Narrative of the Ten Plagues in the Light of Exodus 12:12,” PhD dissertation; contributor to the New Holman Bible Dictionary; “Shadows of Death: Common Noun(s) or Place Name” presented at the 2002 Regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society; contributor to the 2007 HCSV Harmony of the Gospels; “Messianic Portraits in the Hebrew Bible and in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” presented at MABTS conference on Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Biblical Interpretation, April 23, 2009; Follow Me: First Steps for New Believers – Obeying the Commands of the Lord Jesus, 2010.
Brazil, England, France, Israel, Mexico, and Switzerland.