Dr. Miller is a lifelong Southern Baptist. At age 6, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at a church in Jackson, Tennessee. He earned a degree in Business Administration at Union University in Jackson, and it was there he met his wife, Paula. In 1973 while working as an insurance underwriter in Memphis, God called him into the Gospel ministry. Dr. Miller earned both the ThM and PhD degrees at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Before joining the Mid-America faculty in August 1982, he served as pastor of three Arkansas churches. While teaching at MABTS, Dr. Miller continues to preach and teach in local churches. He has been the interim pastor of over many congregations.
Dr. Miller’s two daughters are married, and he has four grandchildren. His parents were godly Christians (now in heaven), and his four brothers are faithful Southern Baptists. Two of his brothers are also in the ministry.
Dr. Miller is professor emeritus of Old Testament and Hebrew Language. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and Near Eastern Archaeological Society. He has presented scholarly papers at both regional and national ETS meetings. In addition to many scholarly articles in journals and Bible dictionaries, he has authored two commentaries on the Book of Daniel (New American Commentary series and Shepherd’s Notes series) and the Nahum-Malachi volume in the Holman Old Testament Commentary series. He is a Bible translator for the Holman Christian Standard Bible and a translator and editor for the New Tyndale Version. He wrote the Daniel study notes for the Apologetics Study Bible and contributed to the Holy Land Illustrated Bible (2020). Writings for Lifeway Christian Resources (SBC) include numerous articles in the Biblical Illustrator and several lesson series for the Sunday School curriculum. Other scholarly projects include leading groups to Israel, Egypt, Greece, and Italy (for which students received seminary course credit) and participating in an archaeological excavation at Gezer, Israel.
“I’m sure you would never guess this about me.” In college I studied karate under a 5th degree black belt from South Korea and participated in karate demonstrations in the Jackson, TN area.
Old Testament Books and Related Matters
Stephen R. Miller, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Hebrew
ThM, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Teaching Experience
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982–Present; Pskov Baptist Pastors School, Pskov, Russia, March, 1995 (student credit granted through the Ethnic Leadership Division of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary).
Field Experience
Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Osceola, AR; Pastor, Neal’s Chapel Baptist Church, Lepanto, AR; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Weiner, AR; Pastor, Gosnell Baptist Church, Blytheville, AR; Interim Pastor, Temple Baptist Church, Memphis, TN; Interim Pastor, Trafalgar Village Baptist Church, Memphis, TN; Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Monette, AR; Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Parkin, AR; Interim Pastor, Harvest Baptist Church, Dyersburg, TN; Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Waynesboro, TN; Interim Pastor, Boulevard Baptist Church, Memphis, TN (and Southaven, MS); Interim Pastor, East Side Baptist Church, Paragould, AR; Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Harrisburg, AR; Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Manila, AR; Interim Pastor, Good Hope Baptist Church, Adamsville, TN; Interim Pastor, Gravel Hill Baptist Church, Ramer, TN; Interim Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Independence, MS; Interim Pastor, Looxahoma Baptist Church, Senatobia, MS; Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Horn Lake, MS; Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Oaklnad, TN; other preaching ministries and Bible studies in local churches; seminar leader “The Book of Ecclesiastes” at the National Conference for Church Leadership, Ridgecrest, NC.
Foreign Travel
Egypt, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Russia, Switzerland.
Professional Societies
Evangelical Theological Society; Near Eastern Archaeological Society
Books: Daniel, The New American Commentary, vol. 18 (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1994); Daniel, Shepherd’s Notes (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1998); Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Holman Old Testament Commentary, vol. 20 (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2004); Co-author, A Hebrew Grammar for Students of the Bible, (Memphis: Mid-America Press, 2008). Articles in Journals and Periodicals: “Introduction and Outline for the Prophecy of Amos,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 19, 1995); “Introduction to the Book of Hosea,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 17, 1993); “The Authorship of Isaiah,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 15:1, 1991); “Introduction to the Book of Malachi,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 11:1, 1987); “An Introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 9:1, 1985); “Psalm 19: The Revelation of God,” Mid-America Theological Journal (vol. 8:2, 1984); “Islamic Jihad: Spiritual Struggle, Self-Defense or Deadly Doctrine?” Journal of Evangelism and Missions (Spring 2004); “Tithes and Offerings in Malachi 3,” Biblical Illustrator (Fall 1997); “Capital Punishment in the Ancient Near East,” Biblical Illustrator (Summer 2004); “The Neo-Babylonian Empire,” Biblical Illustrator (Summer 2005); “Isaiah’s Messianic Prophecies,” Biblical Illustrator (Spring 2006); “Xerxes, King of Persia,” Biblical Illustrator (Winter 2006); “The Egypt Joseph Knew,” Biblical Illustrator (Spring 2008); “Hosea’s Life and Times,” Biblical Illustrator (Winter 2010–2011); “Abomination: A Word Study,” Biblical Illustrator (Spring 2013); “Haggai, Prophet of the Return,” Biblical Illustrator (Spring 2015; “Interpreting Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: Dismal Swamp or Blessed Hope?” The Journal of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, (vol. 2, Spring 2015): 47-62; “The Anticipated Deliverer: Isaiah 11:1-10,” Biblical Illustrator (Winter 2016). Contributor: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Revised edition (2000); Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (2003), The Apologetics Study Bible (2007), and Lexham Bible Dictionary. PhD dissertation: The Literary Style of the Book of Isaiah and the Unity Question, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982.
Scholarly Papers Read at Professional Societies
“A Literal Futurist View of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks,” The Evangelical Theological Society (National), San Diego, CA; “Old Testament Holy War and Islamic Jihad: A Comparative Study,” The Evangelical Theological Society (National), Toronto, Canada; “The Stylistic Unity of the Book of Isaiah: Evidence from Vocabulary,” The Evangelical Theological Society (Regional), Memphis, TN; “Capital Punishment in the Ancient Near East,” The Evangelical Theological Society (National), Valley Forge (Philadelphia), PA; Co-leader of Forum, “Teaching Hebrew in the Twenty-First Century.” The Evangelical Theological Society, (Regional), Memphis, TN.
Other Scholarly Projects
Participated in an archaeological excavation at Gezer, Israel. Led groups to Israel, Egypt, Greece, and Italy for which students received seminary course credit.
Other Writings
Numerous writings for LifeWay Christian Resources (SBC); Curriculum for Student Life Ministries (2005).
Other Experience
Casualty Underwriter, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Memphis, TN; Accountant, Downtowner Motor Inn, Memphis, TN.
Bible Translator
Translator, The Holman Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2004).