Michael R. Spradlin, PhD, President of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, received a BA from Ouachita Baptist University, and an MDIV and PhD from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. He has a versatile ministry background that includes preaching, teaching, church planting, military chaplaincy, and many international and North American mission trips. In addition to serving as the president, Dr. Spradlin is also Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Church History, Practical Theology, and Missions and Chairman of the Evangelism Department. He is the author of many scholarly articles and books, including The Sons of the 43rd: The Story of Delmar Dotson, Gray Allison, and the Men of the 43rd Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific. Dr. Spradlin served as editor of Studies in Genesis 1-11: A Creation Commentary, Beaman’s Commentary on the Gospel of John, and Personal Evangelism. Dr. Spradlin and his wife Lee Ann live in Memphis and have three children: David (Laurel), Thomas (Madelyn), and Laura (Cody).
Michael R. Spradlin, PhD
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Church History, Practical Theology, and Missions
Chairman of the Evangelism Department
MDiv, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Teaching Experience
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Evangelism, and Practical Theology; Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Practical Theology, Northeast campus and Memphis campus, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; further teaching in the Music and History Departments, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; lectured in Doctor of Ministry seminars, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Department of Old Testament and Hebrew, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Administrative Experience
President, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and the College at Mid-America; Director of the Northeast Campus, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; Director of Church Placement and Alumni, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Field Experience
Director of Northeast Campus, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 1994–1997, Schenectady, NY; Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Practical Theology; Director of Church Placement and Director of Alumni Affairs, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Memphis, TN, 1993–1994; Associate Pastor of Missions and Satellite Ministry, Immanuel Baptist Church, Wichita, KS 1991–1993; concurrently Church Planter Missionary of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention; Assistant Pastor, First Baptist Church, Hughes, AR, 1984–1991; Minister of Youth and Youth Music, Smackover, AR, 1982–1984; Evangelist and leader of College Revival Team for the Admissions office, Ouachita Baptist University, 1982–1984; Youth Director, Sunset Lane Baptist Church, Little Rock, AR, 1981.
National Dean’s List, Ouachita Baptist University; Doctoral Representative, Student Government Association, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; Boys Varsity National Coach of the Year, National Christian Homeschool Basketball Championship (NCHBC) 2010.
Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Indonesia, Israel, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Philippines, South Korea, Switzerland, and Turkey.
Denominational Experience
Chaplain, Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention; Church Planter Missionary, Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention; Parliamentarian, Sedgwick Baptist Association, Wichita, KS; Committee on Nominations, Southern Baptist Convention; Executive Board, Baptist Convention of New York.
PhD dissertation: An Investigation of Conditional Sentences in the Hebrew Text of Isaiah, May 1991; “Preaching from the Book of Hosea,” Mid-America Theological Journal, 1993; “Forgiveness,” Mid-America Messenger, 1994; “Bold Mission Thrust in Action,” Mid-America Messenger, 1994; “The Righteousness and Justice of God in the Book of Amos,” Mid-America Theological Journal, 1995; Contributor to the Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, 2000; Contributor to the Holman Bible Dictionary, Revised 2002; Contributor to the updated Strong’s Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Dictionary for the HCSB Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by Broadman and Holman Press, 2010; Contributed a chapter on Spiritual Formation to the book, Reason for the Season: Ministerial Reflections on Personal Grief, Suffering, and Loss, Founders Press, 2010; Sons of the 43rd: The Story of Delmar Dotson, Gray Allison and the Men of the 43rd Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific, Innovo Publishing, LLC, 2016.
Professional Societies
Evangelical Theological Society; Fellowship of Evangelical Seminary Presidents; Association of Memphis College and University Presidents.