Founders’ Days 2021
August 17–19, 2021, at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
first cHAPEL, AUGUST 18
Second Chapel, August 19
The 49th celebration of Founders’ Days at Mid-America, August 17–19, 2021, was a blessed time. This year we had a special treat in hearing from Mid-America alumni bring messages from the Word of God to motivate and inspire us all to start off another school year. We invite you to watch the videos and join in the excitement as we look forward to another year of equipping biblical leaders and sending them to all the world for Jesus’ sake!
—Dr. Mike Spradlin, President

Meet the Founders’ Days 2021 Speakers
Our 2021 Founders’ Days speaker lineup included Mid-America alumni only. That’s right. With so many alumni across the world, we didn’t need to look outside for great speakers.
tuesday, August 17

Dr. Bartholomew Orr

Dr. Wes George
order of service
Prelude | Mr. Mark Brannon, Director | Messiah Orchestra |
Call to Worship “You Are Worthy” “Going There” | Messiah Choir and Orchestra Messiah Choir and Orchestra | arr. Bradley Knight arr. Marty Hamby |
Congregational Singing “Alive Forever, Amen/Because He Lives/Redeemer/This Blood” | arr. Scott Sturtevant | |
Prayer and Welcome | ||
Special Music “I Love You, Lord” | Crossroads Ensemble | arr. Chris R. Hansen |
Signing of the Articles of Belief | Dr. Michael Spradlin, Faculty, Trustees | |
Message | Dr. Bartholomew Orr | |
Special Music “Thank You, Jesus, for the Blood” | Emily Mewborn, soloist, with Messiah Choir and Orchestra | arr. Charity Gayle |
Message | Dr. Wes George | |
Benediction |
Wednesday, August 18

Thursday, August 19

Dr. David Shepherd
Founders’ Days Schedule
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
5:30 p.m. | Reception | Mid-America BHEC |
7:00 p.m. | Worship Service | Mid-America Chapel |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
11:00 a.m. | Worship Service | Mid-America Chapel |
Thursday, August 19, 2021
11:00 a.m. | Worship Service | Mid-America Chapel |
Represent Mid-America with new clothing and gifts.

Mid-America’s NEW online store offers more than 400 items for you to display your school pride.
Last Year’s (2020)
Alumnus of the Year
Allan Amorin